Saturday, October 20, 2012
you weigh in: blog appeal?
What- in your opinion- makes a blog appeal to you? I think that within a few seconds of opening a blog (or website) you've made a decision about it. So. What, in your opinion, makes a blog worth looking at? Tell us and we'll highlight our favorites in the next post.
Monday, May 21, 2012
New Additions to Geek Chic
Dear Readers,
We added a few things to this site!
First of all- we added a new page- resources. We'll add various sites as we go along our merry way, so that you can enjoy them too. (For it to be known... the best site out there is It just is. I've been hooked on it ever since I found it- say, eight months ago- and I still love it. All the way down to taking the quizzes. [And no, I'm not telling you my score. I'm supposed to be an expert- you know, I blog here- so let's just not burst my bubble. kthanks.:)])
Second of all, We added some buttons. We made two- one hover, ((meaning, it does something awesome when you hover)) and an animated one! ((meaning, it's animated.)) Feel free to take one for a little bit. ;)
The GC Team
ps. the person who wrote this tries to hard to be funny and she also has a thing for parentheses.
We added a few things to this site!
First of all- we added a new page- resources. We'll add various sites as we go along our merry way, so that you can enjoy them too. (For it to be known... the best site out there is It just is. I've been hooked on it ever since I found it- say, eight months ago- and I still love it. All the way down to taking the quizzes. [And no, I'm not telling you my score. I'm supposed to be an expert- you know, I blog here- so let's just not burst my bubble. kthanks.:)])
Second of all, We added some buttons. We made two- one hover, ((meaning, it does something awesome when you hover)) and an animated one! ((meaning, it's animated.)) Feel free to take one for a little bit. ;)
The GC Team
ps. the person who wrote this tries to hard to be funny and she also has a thing for parentheses.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Simple Tutorial on Borders in CSS
Well, here we are again! Today, I'm doing a very, very easy tutorial! This one includes a version of CSS border codes. Very easy to edit!
CSS Borders:
border:2px solid #000066;How to Edit:
border-bottom:2px solid #000066;
border-width:2px 2px 2px;
border-bottom:2px line #000066;
2px- Thin line. Edit to your desired thickness. I like 2px, if it is around blog posts and such, but if you are doing various things- various thickness's are required! ;)
solid: This is one continuous line. You can swap out the word "solid" for "dotted" and "dashed"- creating those effects! Really fun!
#000066: This is a midnight blue color. Of course, you can swap this out for any other hex code. (I like Make sure, whatever you do... that you don't forget this: # before the numbers. Or it won't work. :)
More Advanced Techniques:
border-top:1px dotted #000000;"Top" can be swapped out for "bottom" and "right" and "left", thus creating a myriad of options to play with!
Rounded Border Edges:
border-radius:10px;The -moz part is to make sure it works in Mozilla Firefox. To create specific rounded borders, use this technique:
You can, again, swap out "top" for "bottom" and "left" for right. "10px" can be changed anyway you like it.
I think this just about covers everything! Thank you all for your encouraging comments and emails, they keep us going! :)
Monday, April 23, 2012
styling the blogger navbar
You are probably all familiar with the navbar that floats at the top of most Blogger blogs. You know how to pick between four navbar colors in the Page Layout tab, and you might have noticed that some bloggers don't even have a navbar. Well, today I'm going to teach you to get rid of the navbar, change the width and position, customize the color, and more. It's pretty easy!
The HTML tag that we use to represent the navbar (the same way that sidebar-wrapper stands for your sidebar, and main-wrapper stands for your posting area) is #navbar-iframe . Most people don't know how to customize the navbar because this code cannot be found in your blog's HTML code. No worries, though, it's really easy to add in. Open up your blog template and search (CTRL+F) for the code
]]></b:skin>Just above that, copy and paste in this code:
Any code we add to customize it is going to go in between those two lines.
change the color:
background: #ffff00;
Just add in this one line and replace the code in red with any color code you want (try the second color picker here, and copy and paste the six-digit number, also known as a hex code). This particular example will turn your navbar background a bright yellow. Here's a blog design secret: you can also simply type in the name of several common colors, plus a few obscure ones. Try this:
background: aquamarine;
Pretty cool, right? You can find a complete list of HTML color names here. Feel free to experiment!
change the width:
You probably won't end up using this one as much, but it's also really easy to change the width of your navbar. I've used this code before to make the width of the navbar match the width of a one-column blog. Again, it's just one line of code:#navbar-iframe{
width: 1000px;
You can change the number in red to make the navbar wider or narrower.
change the position:
I'm personally not a big fan of this one, but depending on your blog layout, it might look better for you to have your navbar at the bottom of your blog. This one takes - gasp- two lines of code. :)
make it magic:
My favorite trick for customizing the navbar is to make it appear only when the cursor is hovered over it. It doesn't get in the way of the blog design, but it's still there when you need it. You can look at this blog or my blog to see what this looks like - just hover your mouse over the top of the page. This one takes a little more code than the others, so just make sure you copy and paste carefully.#navbar-iframe {
#navbar-iframe:hover {
filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)
This code looks more complicated, but it's actually pretty simple. We added a new section of CSS to specify the appearance of the navbar on hover. Then we added a line to specify the opacity (it goes from 0.0 to 1.0), and another one to make sure it works in Internet Explorer (the browser that gives web designers the most trouble).
Like I said, the second part of the code specifies the style of your navbar when you hover over it. You could paste in other code here to, say, change the color of the navbar on hover.
[Just for fun, I changed the color of the Geek Chic navbar on hover so you'll have an example to look at.]
Like I said, the second part of the code specifies the style of your navbar when you hover over it. You could paste in other code here to, say, change the color of the navbar on hover.
[Just for fun, I changed the color of the Geek Chic navbar on hover so you'll have an example to look at.]
make it go away:
If you really don't like having the navbar at all, even with the hover style, you can get rid of it once and for all. Just use this code:#navbar-iframe{
display:none !important;
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Telling the difference between CSS and HTML.
I'll tell the truth- I didn't know what was what for the longest time, though I knew what various elements did! Once I realized the difference and how to write it in each one- CSS and HTML- it was easier to understand and opened up a whole new world of learning.
I think this is very important to learn and will help you gain a deeper understanding and also be a basis for future posts.
Here's a short analogy to explain in a quick way what the difference is:
HTML and CSS are both key parts in a website or webpage. They both work together. HTML is your structure; it is the foundation, the walls, the roof. It's the essence of a house. CSS could be likened as the windows, roofing, doors, flooring, walling, siding, etc.
We'll go over HTML first.
HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. To give you a simple definition- it's the structure. It's your sidebar, header, etc.
You can usually tell HTML by it having these cute little < > things. It has an opening tag and an ending tag. However- on the ending tag it has a "/" with it. For example, the term "b" (makes bold) in HTML would be written as this:
<b>your text here</b>
Here's another example. ("i"- the element italic)
<i>your text here</i>
It's very easy to get the hang of and I'll be doing another post on various commonly-used elements.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It shows how to display HTML. It's your style! It defines your text fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc. for your webpage.
CSS is uncomplicated to write. In fact, CSS was invented because HTML was too extensive to write for larger websites! It's very easy to understand.
For example- the element "bold" would be written as this:
And the element "italic" would be written as this.
Later, we'll be posting about other elements, but right now we want to show you the difference between CSS and HTML.
(see also: Widening in Minima, Letter Spacing, and an in-depth study of margins and paddings to view various CSS elements and see how they are written.)
I think this is very important to learn and will help you gain a deeper understanding and also be a basis for future posts.
Here's a short analogy to explain in a quick way what the difference is:
HTML and CSS are both key parts in a website or webpage. They both work together. HTML is your structure; it is the foundation, the walls, the roof. It's the essence of a house. CSS could be likened as the windows, roofing, doors, flooring, walling, siding, etc.
We'll go over HTML first.
HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. To give you a simple definition- it's the structure. It's your sidebar, header, etc.
You can usually tell HTML by it having these cute little < > things. It has an opening tag and an ending tag. However- on the ending tag it has a "/" with it. For example, the term "b" (makes bold) in HTML would be written as this:
<b>your text here</b>
Here's another example. ("i"- the element italic)
<i>your text here</i>
It's very easy to get the hang of and I'll be doing another post on various commonly-used elements.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It shows how to display HTML. It's your style! It defines your text fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc. for your webpage.
CSS is uncomplicated to write. In fact, CSS was invented because HTML was too extensive to write for larger websites! It's very easy to understand.
For example- the element "bold" would be written as this:
And the element "italic" would be written as this.
Later, we'll be posting about other elements, but right now we want to show you the difference between CSS and HTML.
(see also: Widening in Minima, Letter Spacing, and an in-depth study of margins and paddings to view various CSS elements and see how they are written.)
Friday, April 13, 2012
make a header using image mapping
We've gotten a couple of requests for making images that link to different blog pages - thanks, GC readers! The best way to do this is with image mapping: it uses one image but links each part of the image to a different page. Using a single image instead of a whole sidebar full of them saves space on your computer and cuts down on page loading time. In this tutorial, we're going to make a header with a menu of links to different pages, but you can use it for other parts of your blog design as well.
Warning: this tutorial is pretty tricky. I'll try to walk you through it the best way I can, but if you're confused, feel free to leave questions in comments or by email. If I still can't explain if in a way that makes sense to you, try another tutorial like Emily Grace's - that's the one that taught me how to do this in the first place.
Warning: this tutorial is pretty tricky. I'll try to walk you through it the best way I can, but if you're confused, feel free to leave questions in comments or by email. If I still can't explain if in a way that makes sense to you, try another tutorial like Emily Grace's - that's the one that taught me how to do this in the first place.
First, you need to make the image that you want to use for linking. I opened up our header in Pixlr to add text, but you can certainly use Photoshop if you own it (you lucky duck!) or some other editing program; I'm just not sure if the instructions would be exactly the same.
[click on the screenshots to view larger]
[click on the screenshots to view larger]
Next, I'm going to add the words that will turn into links. You can add text in Pixlr by clicking the A button on the sidebar, then customize it to whatever font, color, and size you want. I know my text looks super tacky, but it's just an example! :)
Once you've done this, it's a good idea to flatten the image by going to Layer > Flatten image.
Move your mouse around on the image. Look at the Navigator menu on the top right. Do you see those numbers changing? That's important.
this is kinda geeky stuff that you can probably skip if it gets too confusing:
One of those numbers is the x-coordinate for the point where your mouse is hovering. It's a way to represent the distance from the left side of the image. The other number is the y-coordinate for the point where your mouse is. That tells us how far down your mouse is from the top of the image. Every single pixel on the image has its own set of x and y values to represent its position. If you're a math whiz, you'll notice that it's kind of like an x-y coordinate plane, or graph. If not, forget that last statement :)
What you're going to do with an image map is create rectangular sections of the image that are linked to certain pages. You specify the size and location of the rectangles by using the xy-coordinates.
[click on the screenshots to view larger]
[click on the screenshots to view larger]
no longer geeky:
Save the image to your computer (change the format to PNG to avoid fuzzy text) - BUT DON'T CLOSE PIXLR! Open a new tab or window and upload it on a website like Imgur or Photobucket.
Now you're ready to create the code for your header. Go to your blog design tab and open up a new HTML/JavaScript widget. Paste in this code:
Now you're ready to create the code for your header. Go to your blog design tab and open up a new HTML/JavaScript widget. Paste in this code:
<map name="headerlinks">
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE HERE" shape="rect"></area>
<img src="DIRECT IMAGE LINK HERE" usemap="#headerlinks" />
The parts in red are the parts you're going to change.
First, copy and paste the direct link to your image from Imgur or Photobucket (Ashlyn taught us how here) to replace the words DIRECT IMAGE LINK HERE.
Next, copy and paste the second line over and over again to make as many links as you need in your header. I have six pages, so I need six of those lines. Here's what my code looks like now:
First, copy and paste the direct link to your image from Imgur or Photobucket (Ashlyn taught us how here) to replace the words DIRECT IMAGE LINK HERE.
Next, copy and paste the second line over and over again to make as many links as you need in your header. I have six pages, so I need six of those lines. Here's what my code looks like now:
<map name="headerlinks">
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 1" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 2" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 3" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 4" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 5" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 6" shape="rect"></area>
<img src="" usemap="#headerlinks" />
This is where it can get really confusing, so we'll take it slow. We'll use the first area line for our first link: the home page.
[click on the screenshots to view larger]
Go back to Pixlr and use the selection tool (first column, second row on the toolbar) to draw a rectangle around your first link. Hover your mouse over the top left corner of that rectangle, and look at the xy coordinates in the Navigator menu. These are x1 and y1 in the image map code. Replace the letters with the numbers:
[click on the screenshots to view larger]
Go back to Pixlr and use the selection tool (first column, second row on the toolbar) to draw a rectangle around your first link. Hover your mouse over the top left corner of that rectangle, and look at the xy coordinates in the Navigator menu. These are x1 and y1 in the image map code. Replace the letters with the numbers:
<map name="headerlinks">
<area coords="5, 310, x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 1" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 2" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 3" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 4" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 5" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 6" shape="rect"></area>
<img src="" usemap="#headerlinks" />
Now hover your mouse over the bottom right corner of the selected rectangle, and copy and paste the numbers to replace x2 and y2.
[click on the screenshots to view larger]
<map name="headerlinks">
<area coords="5, 310, 107, 382," href="" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 2" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 3" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 4" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 5" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2," href="LINK TO BLOG PAGE 6" shape="rect"></area>
<img src="" usemap="#headerlinks" />
We're almost done with the first line! All you have to do now is find the link to your blog page - in our case, it's just the main home page - and paste it in to replace the words LINK TO BLOG PAGE 1. Make sure your link starts with http:// , otherwise it won't work. If you copy and paste it directly from your browser window, it will usually include this part.
[click on the screenshots to view larger]
Now all you have to do is repeat the same steps for each link that you're using. Draw a rectangle around the next word/link, hover over the corners, paste in the x and y values, and then paste in your blog page link. Here's what ours looks like all finished:
[click on the screenshots to view larger]
Now all you have to do is repeat the same steps for each link that you're using. Draw a rectangle around the next word/link, hover over the corners, paste in the x and y values, and then paste in your blog page link. Here's what ours looks like all finished:
<map name="headerlinks">
<area coords="5, 310, 107, 382," href="" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="154, 316, 272, 373," href="" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="331,319,471,380," href="" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="544, 321,624,377," href="" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="687, 321,841, 369," href="" shape="rect"></area>
<area coords="885, 327,1075, 378," href="" shape="rect"></area>
<img src="" usemap="#headerlinks" />
Once you've finished all this, save your HTML/JavaScript widget, and move it up to the header section of your blog. If it lets you do that, you're just about done! If not, we can fix it with this next step. Just be sure to save the widget first!
Go to your Edit HTML page and search (CTRL+F) for the word Header1. You should find a section of code that looks something like this:
<div id="header-wrapper"><b:section class="header" id="header" maxwidgets="1" showaddelement="no"><b:widget id="Header1" locked="true" title="Geek Chic- Tips for the Trendy Bloggers (Header)" type="Header"></b:widget></b:section></div>
Change the red number 1 to 2 to allow more widgets in the header section of your blog - now you can drag up the widget to the top of your blog. Change the word "true" to the word "false" so that you can delete your old header (there will be a nice big Remove button at the bottom of the window when you edit the widget).
Once you've got all that sorted out, you should have a beautiful new image map / header at the top of your blog! Click on the links to make sure they work, and if they don't, pleasepleaseplease leave a comment or email us because I'd love to help you out!
Want to see how ours turned out? Click here to see the new header on our sample blog.
Once you've got all that sorted out, you should have a beautiful new image map / header at the top of your blog! Click on the links to make sure they work, and if they don't, pleasepleaseplease leave a comment or email us because I'd love to help you out!
Want to see how ours turned out? Click here to see the new header on our sample blog.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
how to create a header {using pixlr}
creating a header for you blog is quite simple actually, and it's a good way to use your creativity! you can have many different types of headers and today, i'm going to show you how to create headers with fancy fonts using pixlr picture editor.
1. first, you'll need to go to and click on 'open photo editor'
then on the next screen, click 'create a new image' which will pop up a little box with the preset width and height. you will need to change the width to somewhere around 1000 depending on the size of your blog and a height of 200 (you can make it bigger if you want to).
2. you should see this pop up:
now, when it does that, you are only seeing a certain percentage of the actual header. you CAN work with that if you want to, and the quality will be the same once it's 100%, but it will give you an idea if it's big enough for you blog, or TOO big if you change the percentage to 100%. then you will be viewing the whole thing instead of 84% of it.
depending on what size your computer screen is, you may not want to do this because you'll have to scroll back and forth a lot. but if it DOES fit on your computer screen i encourage you to do that by...
dragging the 3 menus to the lower part of the screen and then (using the first menu) change 84% to 100%. after you've done that your screen should look something like this:
be sure that you've dragged the bottom right corner of the work area out so that you can see all of the white area.
3. to add text, click the 'A' on the toolbar on the left side of the screen. then click anywhere in the white area (you can move it around after).
then you can change the font, font size, font style (bold, italic), and font color using the menu that has popped up.
4. the fonts that appear in the drop down menu, are all the fonts provided by pixlr AND any extra fonts that you've downloaded on your computer. now, once you have all the fonts that you want, you'll want to move them around right? well it's not as simple as you would think. you have to use the menu on the bottom that is labeled 'layers'. you'll see that everything you've written, has it's own layer. so whatever layer you want to move, just select that layer.
once you have everything where you want it to be, you can add a picture (or a few) if you want to by going to the file menu at the top of the screen and clicking 'open image'.
5. before you open an image, you'll want to save your image if it isn't already saved. for example, if you are getting an image of of google images then you'll need to save it before you put it on your header. once you've opened your image in pixlr. you MAY need to resize it so that it fits on your header.
to do that, go to the image menu at the top of the screen and click 'image size'. your screen will look like this:
just change the height and width so that it will fit where you want it to go on your header.
6. once your image is the right size, you'll need to save it again. then go to the layer menu at the top of the screen and click 'open image as layer'.
then, use the arrow to move your picture around to the desired spot.
7. once you have everything in the right place, you'll want to flatten it, and save it. when you flatten it, you're basically gluing all the layers together, so you won't be able to move them around anymore.
once you've flattened your image, you can save it by going to the file menu at the top of the page, and clicking 'save'.
the you can name your header, and save it so that you can upload it to your blog!
hope this helps! if you have any questions, feel free to comment!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
what do YOU want?
As I (Ashlyn) have been finding more time to blog here, I wanted to know what you guys wanted- that is- the followers here. :) Is there something you've been wanting to figure out? I'm not sure exactly what to post about- so let me know in a comment! :)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
letter spacing- a favorite CSS element of mine...
Hi y'all! Yep, We're actually posting here. :)
Tonight, I'm covering letter spacing. It's a very unique way to style text.
First of all, you'll write it like this:
Tonight, I'm covering letter spacing. It's a very unique way to style text.
First of all, you'll write it like this:
letter-spacing:1px;Of course, you can edit the 1px part any way you would like! Letter Spacing can be positive or negative- meaning you can say that letter spacing can be 3px or -3px. Be careful using negative- a little goes a long way. Also, too much letter spacing makes a blog hard to read. But it makes an interesting effect when applied to post title hovers, links, and over-all text.
Here are some examples:
letter-spacing: 4px;
letter-spacing: -2px;
You can insert this under any code in your template that specifies text style (example: place it under h3 to give your post-titles letter spacing).
Here's a few sites that used this effect!
Jamie Delaine Blog- her over-all text has letter spacing- more than usual, but just enough.
Discover Life Designs - I used a negative letter spacing on my accordion hover.
This is such a simple element, but it's so much fun. I truly enjoy this one! :)
Friday, March 2, 2012
three annoying things about minima + how to fix them
The Minima template is pretty simple and, as we've said before, perfect for designing, but it has a few minor flaws that you might want to get rid of before you start.
The Minima template is pretty simple and, as we've said before, perfect for designing, but it has a few minor flaws that you might want to get rid of before you start.
1. header borders.
We know - those pesky double lines around your header can get a little annoying. Here's how to get rid of them.
Search for the code #header-wrapper again. You'll find three sections of code in the same vicinity:
#header-wrapper {
margin:0 auto 10px;
border:1px solid $bordercolor;
#header-inner {
background-position: center;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
#header {
margin: 5px;
border: 1px solid $bordercolor;
text-align: center;
See those lines in red? Delete them. Or, you can simply change the number 1 to the number 0. Presto, the borders disappear!
2. uppercase.
One of the other things that bothers people about Minima is all the uppercase letters - do you see them? They're in the header, the dates, the sidebar titles... everywhere. It's perfectly fine to leave your blog this way if you like it, but if you don't, here's how to get rid of it. Search for
text-transform:uppercase;in your template. We found it 8 times in our Minima template. Now, wherever you want to get rid of the uppercase letters? Delete that line. Piece of cake!
3. post title hover.
An easy way to tell if a fellow blogger has Minima installed is by hovering over the area around their post titles. If the color changes even when your mouse is not directly over the text, chances are it's due to a funny little quirk in the Minima template. Don't like it? Here's how to fix it. Search for
.post h3 a {in your template. Look at the code underneath it:
.post h3 a, .post h3 a:visited, .post h3 strong {
Delete the line in red. See? It's so quick and easy, we wonder why nobody else seems to do it. Well, now you know!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
an in-depth study of margins and paddings.
When we talk about margins and padding, we're talking about spacing - we want to spread out the different sections of your blog design, so everything's not all squished together. Remember that your blog is made up of three main sections: the header-wrapper, the main-wrapper, and the sidebar-wrapper, which all fit into the outer-wrapper. To sum it up:
Margins are outside. They are the space between parts of your design. If the margin of your main-wrapper is 15px, then there will be 15px of empty space between your main posting area and your sidebar, where your blog background might show through.
Padding is the space inside. If the padding of your main-wrapper is 15px, then there will be 15px of extra space around the text of your posts.
It's easiest to explain with a diagram:
On the far right of this diagram, we've illustrated what happens when your padding is zero - the text will go right up against the side of that section of your blog. Of course, this is more noticable when there's a border around your sidebar or posting area.
Let's talk numbers. We usually measure margins and padding in pixels, or px. When you're dealing with margins between your main and sidebar wrappers, you want to make sure you don't make them too wide. Use this formula:
If you just got lost, remember that the main-wrapper is the code that represents your main blog column, and the outer-wrapper is the overall section that includes both your main wrapper and sidebar. We learned how to change the widths in this tutorial.
What happens if your margins are too wide? If those first four widths add up to a number greater than your outer-wrapper width, the sidebar won't have enough room and will wind up at the bottom of your blog. That's no fun!
When you add margins or padding to your blog design, you can do it with several lines of code, or just a few. For example,
Let's look at an example.
"Auto" is the default margin - if you don't specify a number, then your computer will decide for you. Here, the outer-wrapper margin is 0 auto 0 auto; which means that the top and bottom margins will be 0px and the left and right margins will be equal - it'll end up in the center! Like we said, you don't have to type in "auto" - it's just the automatic setting that stays until you change the numbers.
Notice that the margin-right of the main wrapper is 20px, and the margin-left of the sidebar is 30px. That adds up to 50px of extra space in between the two sections. We filled up the extra pixels with padding: 30px total for the main wrapper, and 20 for the sidebar wrapper. Add up all the margins and widths, and you get 1000px - the same as our outer-wrapper! It's perfect.
All of the top margins are 0 in this example. You won't usually use really weird numbers for top and bottom margins, but you can play around with it if you want.
What's the difference between margins and padding? Well, it's easiest to see if you have a border around that section of your blog - padding goes inside the border, and margins go outside. The other main difference that you might be interested to know is that margins can have negative values, but padding can't. Experiment!
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email us at
Margins are outside. They are the space between parts of your design. If the margin of your main-wrapper is 15px, then there will be 15px of empty space between your main posting area and your sidebar, where your blog background might show through.
Padding is the space inside. If the padding of your main-wrapper is 15px, then there will be 15px of extra space around the text of your posts.
It's easiest to explain with a diagram:
On the far right of this diagram, we've illustrated what happens when your padding is zero - the text will go right up against the side of that section of your blog. Of course, this is more noticable when there's a border around your sidebar or posting area.
Let's talk numbers. We usually measure margins and padding in pixels, or px. When you're dealing with margins between your main and sidebar wrappers, you want to make sure you don't make them too wide. Use this formula:
main-wrapper width
+ main-wrapper margins/padding
+ sidebar width
+ sidebar margins/padding
= outer wrapper width.
If you just got lost, remember that the main-wrapper is the code that represents your main blog column, and the outer-wrapper is the overall section that includes both your main wrapper and sidebar. We learned how to change the widths in this tutorial.
What happens if your margins are too wide? If those first four widths add up to a number greater than your outer-wrapper width, the sidebar won't have enough room and will wind up at the bottom of your blog. That's no fun!
When you add margins or padding to your blog design, you can do it with several lines of code, or just a few. For example,
margin-top:0px;can become
margin: 0px 10px 0px 5px;Those numbers set the margins in clockwise order: top, right, bottom, left. It works the same way for padding.
Let's look at an example.
#outer-wrapper {Here, we chose an easy number for the outer-wrapper: 1000px. The main-wrapper is 700 px, and the sidebar-wrapper is 200, so that leaves an extra 100px left over for margins. (This is probably a little too much space, but we wanted to keep the math easy).
width: 1000px;
margin:0 auto;
padding:10px 10px 0 10px;
font: $bodyfont;
#main-wrapper {
width: 700px;
margin: 0 20px 0 0;
padding: 0 15px 0 15px;
border:1px dotted #bb1d07;
border-bottom:1px dotted #bb1d07;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 200px;
background: transparent;
float: $startSide;
padding:0 10px 0 10px;
margin: 0 0 0 30px;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
"Auto" is the default margin - if you don't specify a number, then your computer will decide for you. Here, the outer-wrapper margin is 0 auto 0 auto; which means that the top and bottom margins will be 0px and the left and right margins will be equal - it'll end up in the center! Like we said, you don't have to type in "auto" - it's just the automatic setting that stays until you change the numbers.
Notice that the margin-right of the main wrapper is 20px, and the margin-left of the sidebar is 30px. That adds up to 50px of extra space in between the two sections. We filled up the extra pixels with padding: 30px total for the main wrapper, and 20 for the sidebar wrapper. Add up all the margins and widths, and you get 1000px - the same as our outer-wrapper! It's perfect.
All of the top margins are 0 in this example. You won't usually use really weird numbers for top and bottom margins, but you can play around with it if you want.
What's the difference between margins and padding? Well, it's easiest to see if you have a border around that section of your blog - padding goes inside the border, and margins go outside. The other main difference that you might be interested to know is that margins can have negative values, but padding can't. Experiment!
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email us at
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Widening in Minima- Week 1
In case you haven't noticed, Minima is just a little bit on the skinny side. It must have been the fad back in 06. We've came a long way, baby!
So here's the code Minima uses. From your Edit HTML page, search for (ctrl+f) "#outer-wrapper".
So here's the code Minima uses. From your Edit HTML page, search for (ctrl+f) "#outer-wrapper".
#outer-wrapper {
width: 660px;
margin:0 auto;
font: $bodyfont;
#main-wrapper {
width: 410px;
float: $startSide;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 220px;
float: $endSide;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
You'll need to changed the widths, so here's what will be changed:
#outer-wrapper {
width: 1000px;
margin:0 auto;
font: $bodyfont;
#main-wrapper {
width: 740px;
float: $startSide;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 250px;
float: $endSide;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
Let's give a breakdown on what each of these codes mean:
#outer wrapper: It is the main area that holds both your posting area and sidebar area. It does not include the background area.
#main wrapper: That is the area where your posts appear.
#sidebar wrapper: your sidebar! of course! :)
And that's it! Experiment with different sizes!
Having problems? Email us at!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
installing a custom image background.
So today, we're going to learn how to do exactly that. This code to CSS, once learned, can be applied just about anywhere, and you'll have endless fun. Whether it be post title hovers, accordion backgrounds, post footers... you name it, you can add a background there, and it will look awesome.
This is what code you'll be using. You can search (ctrl+f) "body." Here's what the codes looks like right before you edit it, in basic Minima.
As you've noticed, we added the tag for a background image. It's a CSS element. (wanna read more?)
This is the tag:
This is what it will look like, after you install it.
It's simple. However, just a few stipulations.
This code, it's similar what Template Designer does for you. If you upload a 200x200px sized image, it will repeat it for you. It will either look awesome or awful. IF you have an image that is the normal size for a background, and you don't want it moving, or repeating itself, then you're going to have to add a few other codes. Don't worry, it's not hard.
You see? It doesn't repeat itself, and it's smack dab in the center.
Another thing you can do to customize your background - change it from fixed to scroll, or vice versa. If your background is fixed, it will stay in the same place while the rest of your page moves when you scroll down. Otherwise, the default is for both parts to scroll down. Just add this line of code:
or switch out the last word for scroll.
So, step by step.
For an Image Background:
If you think this all looks like too many lines of code, here's a hint: you can combine all the background settings into one line.
Make sense? As always, it never will make full sense until you dive right into it and make sense of it yourself... figuring it out. Keep at it.
Questions? Email us at
providing it's a good background.
So. To install a background, we need to use this thing called DIRECT LINK for a photo. see here....
I use Photobucket to upload photos. I love how fast it loads. I'd recommend that or Imgur. Whatever you do, don't use Flickr- it's not very dependable for direct links. :)
So. On Photobucket, as illustrated above, when you hover over the photo, that little box pops up. I highlighted the text area for the Direct Link. There's lots of codes there, use the Direct Link. I'm trying to grind that in here. DIRECT LINK.
Okay. This photo's direct link is this:
You'll be using that as your background for this tutorial. Part of it, anyways.
This is what code you'll be using. You can search (ctrl+f) "body." Here's what the codes looks like right before you edit it, in basic Minima.
/* Use this with templates/template-twocol.html */You'll change it... slightly. You'll add a slight code. Compare!
body {
font:x-small Georgia Serif;
font-size/* */:/**/small;
font-size: /**/small;
text-align: center;
/* Use this with templates/template-twocol.html */
body {
background:$bgcolor url(;
font:x-small Georgia Serif;
font-size/* */:/**/small;
font-size: /**/small;
text-align: center;
As you've noticed, we added the tag for a background image. It's a CSS element. (wanna read more?)
This is the tag:
background:url('your-DIRECT-LINK-here');Just ignore the $bgcolor part, the image will override the color settings.
This is what it will look like, after you install it.
It's simple. However, just a few stipulations.
This code, it's similar what Template Designer does for you. If you upload a 200x200px sized image, it will repeat it for you. It will either look awesome or awful. IF you have an image that is the normal size for a background, and you don't want it moving, or repeating itself, then you're going to have to add a few other codes. Don't worry, it's not hard.
background-repeat:no-repeat;That's just an example. Background-Position can be bottom, top, left, right, top center, bottom center, top right, bottom right, or whatever combination you can come up with. If you do want your background to repeat, just delete that Background-Repeat code. This is what it will look like after adding the above code.
You see? It doesn't repeat itself, and it's smack dab in the center.
Another thing you can do to customize your background - change it from fixed to scroll, or vice versa. If your background is fixed, it will stay in the same place while the rest of your page moves when you scroll down. Otherwise, the default is for both parts to scroll down. Just add this line of code:
or switch out the last word for scroll.
So, step by step.
For an Image Background:
- Upload your background to an image server- say or
- Find the CSS code background: $bgcolor; under "body".
- Copy/Paste the DIRECT LINK into this code, before the semicolon: url('YOUR-DIRECT-LINK-HERE')
- Click preview. If it suits your fancy, click Save.
- Enjoy your new background. :)
background: $bgcolor url(directlink.jpg) repeat scroll top center;
Make sense? As always, it never will make full sense until you dive right into it and make sense of it yourself... figuring it out. Keep at it.
Questions? Email us at
Saturday, January 7, 2012
how to install minima
Hello, world, and welcome to Geek Chic! Over the next few weeks, we'll be teaching you to give your blog a head-to-toe makeover. We want to pull away from Template Designer and get you familiar with that "Edit HTML" button. The easiest way to do this is by using the Minima template - it's the original Blogger design, and the HTML is much simpler than in any of the newer templates, making it even simpler to customize.
The one scary thing about Minima is that you can't use Template Designer for most of it. It won't let you upload background images, add or subtract new columns, or change the widths with a slider. But no worries! You'll learn how to do all this and more the old-fashioned way, straight into your blog template. Who's excited? We are!
If you want to redesign your blog, you might want to start by making a test blog. You can mess up the design on a test blog as much as you want, and it won't matter, because nobody will read it! Let's get started.
First off, if you want to install Minima, you'll get a little frustrated with the new Blogger layout. It's just not as designer-friendly as the old version. To fix this, just click the little gear in the top right corner of your dashboard, and click the link to go back to the old interface.
Now, somewhere near the top right of your dashboard, you should see a link to Create a Blog. Click on it! You can name your blog "test blog" and pick any random URL that you'd like. It doesn't matter.
(click on any image to view larger)

It'll ask you to choose a template - but no Minima here! Just select Simple for now.
Why yes, we do want to customize how our blog looks!
That link takes us back to Template Designer, but what we really want to do is click Back to Blogger and start editing that HTML code.
The one scary thing about Minima is that you can't use Template Designer for most of it. It won't let you upload background images, add or subtract new columns, or change the widths with a slider. But no worries! You'll learn how to do all this and more the old-fashioned way, straight into your blog template. Who's excited? We are!
If you want to redesign your blog, you might want to start by making a test blog. You can mess up the design on a test blog as much as you want, and it won't matter, because nobody will read it! Let's get started.
First off, if you want to install Minima, you'll get a little frustrated with the new Blogger layout. It's just not as designer-friendly as the old version. To fix this, just click the little gear in the top right corner of your dashboard, and click the link to go back to the old interface.

(click on any image to view larger)

It'll ask you to choose a template - but no Minima here! Just select Simple for now.
Why yes, we do want to customize how our blog looks!
That link takes us back to Template Designer, but what we really want to do is click Back to Blogger and start editing that HTML code.
On the Edit HTML page, scroll down to the bottom and find the Old Templates section. Click "Select Layout Template."
(in case you were wondering, the classic template is Minima without the option to add and edit widgets. scary!)
Select the first template, Minima, and click Save.
And you're done! You can mess around in Template Designer a little, but you'll find there isn't really much to do.
Stay tuned for tutorials on how to start customizing your new Minima template!
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